The Logan Utah Rotary Jeep Ride 2006

September 21, 2006


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It was a dark and stormy night - oops afternoon So instead of going on mud roads we started by heading to Beaver Mountain ski lodge and ate ribs  - yum! With us were a dozen Russians on an training visit - all dairy operation folk

Plan A was for the "Jeep Ride" to head to Bear Lake Overlook, then turn around and go to Tony Grove. THEY did. But we took Plan B and headed North from Bear Lake up to St Charles Idaho Our guides, Mike and Twila Bridges knew the territory - and promised Moose sightings!

We had rain, some hail and some sleet as we headed up St. Charles Canyon I didn't get a pix of the mountain lion that streaked across the road - too fast! It was really quite eerie as the mist rose from the mountain.

Eerie but lovely Just a bit of color and lots of mist

We reached the gate to Minnetonka and had to stop and get out - to see the MOOSE!

Enlarge the pix and look for dark dots in the middle. They be Moose!

Meanwhile the mist kept rising.

A Lovely valley

So we sat goodbye to the dots called moose - clearly visible in this one - and head down the road. Then all of a sudden....

MOOSE in the road - at 30 feet away!

Yup two of them up close and personal! Don't forget to click on the thumbnail above

Returning to Bear Lake we are greeted by a rainbow - what a day! A shot or two from the overlook of Bear Lake to say goodbye

Good bye for now

Back to join the others at the Copper Mill and a dinner with the Russians A tribute from Alex and a fine time was had by all!

Thanks to Mike and Twila Bridges, our guides and drivers